Out in the cold?

Bruce was acknowledged at a presentation ceremony recently. He has been a member of the brigade since October , attending callouts at any time of day or night, throughout the years. Wellington Area. CFO King presented Megan with a certificate recognising her support over the last 25 years. This is a family and we progress through life together. The best value agent is the one who gets you the best price. Local elections Do you have strong opinions about how our District should be led?

Do you want a louder voice in where and how ratepayer money is spent? Do your friends and neighbours seek you out for advice about happenings in your community? Then maybe now is the time to give some serious thought to running for your local Council - or to think about a powerhouse in your inner circle who would make a great community leader. The nomination period is just around the corner for the local elections and everyone is welcome to stand - the more, the merrier! Nominations open in July - visit www. Do you have a squeaky-clean two-year history as a dog owner, and solid fencing around your home to keep your furry friend safe?

If so, you might be eligible for our Approved Owner status, giving you discounted dog registration fees. Find out more on our website, but hurry!

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Applications close 1 May. Antenno is a free mobile app that allows you to receive Council-related notifications about the places and things that matter to you. These include things like major water outages, road works, Council events, consultations and more. Download it from the Apple Store or Google Play today, or check out more info at www.

On this particular occasion his sharp ears led him in a westerly direction down the village street, until he finally caught sight of the origin of the mysterious musical sound. The drums were quite different to any that Oldie had seen or heard. Who were these drummers? Where had they.

Notice of Intention to Remove Companies From the Register

A sign made by Ahmed, husband of drumming leader Lamiaa, explained it all. People attracted by the drumming like Oldilocks, lingered to listen and watch — and learn — while a graceful belly dancer and several small children expressed their enjoyment in dance. I hope you come again. He has lived here ever since except for some years in his twenties when he travelled widely as all kiwis do. After a rudimentary education he found work as an Architectural Designer which became a lifelong occupation.

Arthur Richard Paton EUSTACE

He started his writing career late in life in He is a fan of both science fiction and classical murder mysteries and elements of both of these are often combined in his stories. He likes to read a book in a single sitting so he limits his own work to 45 or 50 thousand words, so people can enjoy them all in one hit. His other works have been finalists in the Sir Julius Vogel Awards.

His titles are Mindset, Antithesis, Returning and Nmemesis. Ethylwyn will be available at his launch on 5 May and in books stores. If you ever had a fascination with the concept of airships, combined with a touch of murder, mystery and mayhem then this is the book for you.

Throw in a little romance and some interesting characters, some not so nice and there is a complex problem brewing in the calm still skies the airship glides silently though. The central character Clara, is strong willed, beautiful and married to a elderly man who now he has her draped like a trophy on his arm, steadfastly ignores her and so the scene is set for some romance on the airship. But the action is between Clara and a retired policeman, Rufus and their instant rapport rather than the lover who plays a minor part in the story.

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Rufus finds himself with the murder to solve all within the confines of the airship as it travels on its maiden voyage around the world. Is his new friend Clara the murderer or is it her new lover? I found the novel gripping and chilling.

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To have a murderer among you up in the sky, with nowhere to run was disturbing and intriguing. This was a well paced, emotional book and it managed to evoke an sense of nostalgia for a form of travel that briefly flew before grounded by the jet engine. A new baby, a new business, slick new premises with a fresh industrial look, but underpined by the good-old fashioned approach of any winning customer focused business - creating a space for customers to linger and connect with other people.

They wanted to create a unique, modern, space, but with a feeling of community values, where people can talk to one another. Most Faded is a reference to a particular style of haircut. He also hopes the old age barber shop language of banter creates just the right vibe.

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  • He says that it was his time there where owner Andy Ross taught him about running a business as well as fine tuning his professional skills. Creating the space has been a family affair with lots of help with the decorating. But the giant brick wall mural was left for the professionals to install. Toimarangi is looking to have a late night and even a early start to help with working people trying to fit everything in around their working days.

    Chief Executive Performance Known for Excellence. Trusted for Value. We have owned and operated our own Crematorium since Large variety of Caskets and Urns. Cancellation - Meetings are sometimes cancelled for a variety of reasons. To confirm whether a meeting is on, please ring the Democracy Services Manager on 04 or toll free on Public Forum — a minute session will be held before every Council and major committee meeting 9.

    Bookings are essential.

    New Zealand Election Results 2008

    Please book ahead with the Democracy Services Advisor — online booking form can be found on website. If you wish to address the Council or its Committees during Public Speaking Time please book ahead with the Democracy Services Advisor and you will be given an approximate timeslot. People who book ahead for Public Speaking will be given precedence over those who do not. Live-streaming: Council and Standing Committee meetings are live-streamed. Need help with your property? Inside or outside Residential or commercial Big jobs or small ones Guttering and spouting Your friendly local!

    Would you like to learn the most popular card game in the world? If so, you will love Bridge. Come along to our lessons for beginners Starting Thursday 2nd May at 7. Then join our friendly Club. Contact Tim or Anne on to find out more. Or email otakibridge xtra. This is almost certainly the result of what even the most hard-line conspiracy theorists will concede to be a coincidence. The border collie is born to organise. If it lives in a situation where there are no sheep to muster, it will muster children.

    As the Minister for State Services in the first Helen Clark government, Mallard fathered the Leadership Development Centre, essentially a finishing school for turning ambitious civil servants into chief executives capable of sliding seamlessly back and forth between the public and private sectors. Diversifying into new business areas mostly meant going digital. Overnight a whole new industry of nerds and geeks grew on the promise of a national ultra-fast broadband network delivering spreadsheets and breaking news to screens in all but some isolated places like, um, Pungarehu, near Opunake in South Taranaki.

    Mr Dunlop was concerned that many rugby fans in his area would simply not be able to see the games, regardless of their cost, because they would not be connected to the ultra-fast broadband fibre network. If we were like Singaporeans, living vertically stacked in high-rise apartments, ultra-fast broadband would be better for broadcasting than satellite. This also explains the failure rate in the Census. The real question now is whether digital data collection will ever be used again for the census. In a few weeks, the so-called debate over the imposition of a capital gains tax, in a country where many people struggle to acquire enough capital to make a gain worth taxing, could be overtaken by a much more interesting controversy.

    This is actually the aim of a bill that is coming up for debate in Parliament in coming weeks. Its first reading on May 12 ended with Mr Mitchell running out of time just as he was about to spill some beans. So, something to look forward to when the bill comes up for debate again, possibly in May, by which the media should have woken up to its existence. But even more exciting is the prospect of National changing sides and voting with New Zealand First and the Greens. A course requirement for year 3 was that each student undertake an independent carving project. He had approached the programme director, explained the kaupapa of the health camp and asked if someone would be willing to carve two pou, representing the female and male elements, for the entranceway to the camp, to act as kaitiaki.

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