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Join over students and be inspired to learn, share ideas, create and grow. See more details on this performance on page 4. Our local St John service has just received a healthy boost to their coffers thanks to a donation from the Mid Summer Quilt show. The donation stems from funds raised dur-. She now knows what she wants to do with her life and has the skills and knowledge to make it happen.

Reann was exactly the person the Moturoa Project was designed for. NMIT is the only tertiary institute in the country that offers this Kaitiaki Whenua Trainee Ranger programme, which includes on-campus classes, practical training in the field, and regular Marae visits. The Moturoa project was designed specifically with rangatahi in mind, acknowledging that.

The Moturoa Project is running again in and applications are currently open, apply online now, nmit. Business Update. Last week we were visiting Motueka, our old home town.

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My husband aged 75 has a sight problem so we safely crossed the main street heading into the building when a very stupid middleaged man decided to back out of the car park in his large ute. At the time many people were leaving due to the fishing competition just held inside. He kept on backing and actually backed left onto the footpath to enable him to turn around. He did not stop and he backed into my husband and knocked him to the ground.

People yelled for him to stop. He got out and said the F word twice and said sorry and jumped back in and moved away. I had no time to react to give him a few words so I hope he is reading this today. My husband was very shaken and. People helped him up and we went inside to enjoy a lovely meal but our evening was spoilt by a very stupid man. We were both left very shaken and shocked that this could happen on the footpath and especially with so many people milling around.

I am gobsmacked and disappointed that the electoral commission deem this necessary and the council intend to just go along with it wasting all this money and not try to change things. I feel they have. I bet they manage their own money much more wisely otherwise they would be bankrupt by now. Paul Hawkes is a nice man but he decided not to stand when the main election was held. Barry Dowler was so close behind Clair Hutt for a while everyone thought he had won. After all one council used a flip of a coin when two were both voted in, no wasting ratepayers money but very unfair for the person that missed out.

If a bi-election does take place and the TDC happily waste all that money without trying to get the electoral commission to see what a terrible waste of money this is I think it would be time for every rate payer to stand up and protest. Sandra Young Motueka Abridged.

Poutū-te-rangi / March 2018

And with it, our only hope for an advocate towards the environment. I envy Nelson City Council. Sadly in the Tasman District, we have not. We have a climate crisis and we need leadership from the TDC, which is lacking.

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But nothing happens! Hollow words. It is easy to just sit on the fence. Same old, same old. Boris Leegwater Motueka Art affects, enhances and connects all members of a community in all aspect of life including pictures, signage, sculpture, song, stories, architecture, clothing and hundreds of other ways. However its greatest wealth is in its ability to entertain, and interact in all types of formats across all levels of society and communities creating greater understanding and wellbeing of all.

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Motueka Arts Council has all the above aspects within its aims and objectives. These include fostering interest and participation in arts, sponsoring performances, exhibitions. If this resonates with you to be active in ensuring the Motueka region has a vibrant and innovative art scene, we welcome you as a new member to join us at our AGM on Tuesday, 25 February, 7.

We are welcoming a. For over 40 years Grant has worked locally in horticultural areas of gardening, vegies plus plant growing. Phone or email smmcc xtra. McCambridge is the team leader and invites volunteers to join the trip from October. No construction experience is necessary and local skilled workers and Habitat staff will be on-hand to teach and oversee the work.

You learn about their way of life, for me personally I get far more back than I can ever give to these families. So, in December Instructions for the day are also online. Registrations must be in by New rules provide consistent consent processes for existing marine farms The Government is moving to cut the complexity involved with re-consenting existing marine farms by creating a consistent set of rules across the country.

Stuart Nash says at present, each regional council has its own set of rules for managing replacement marine farm consents. It is important to establish a nationally consistent system at this time, because existing marine farm consents representing 60 per cent of industry are due to expire within the next seven years.

The new rules will focus public input on the management of.

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Applications are invited to apply by 5pm on Friday, 20 March , decisions in early June. Owners Diane and Graeme Ransom have given the popular lodge an amazing Piet Mondrian inspiring facelift and the results are stunning. Eye-catching bold yellow, bright red, crisp white and deep blue geometric designs are outlined with black lines, easily drawing attention to the Hat Trick Lodge. This week Diane and Graeme are celebrating their first two years of both owning the Hat Trick Lodge and living in Motueka.

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Formerly of Melbourne and Waiheke Island but originally from Taihape, Graeme and his wife Diane moved to Motueka not only for a business opportunity but also because of the size and location of our town. With a population of 8, people, Motueka is a similar size to Waiheke Island and just like Waiheke Island we are a tourist destination. The lodge is wellappointed for visitors, located in the heart of Motueka ensuring that our local restaurants, shopping, bus service, supermarkets, parks and other attractions are just outside their door.

The Hat Trick Lodge has so much to offer their guests including off-street parking, clean and tidy amenities, free wifi and comfortable beds. Each door is uniquely different, making it easy to identify the different rooms. Full-size visuals of fun locations and popular images cover every door, from Harry Potters train platform to the Taj Mahal. Injecting a bit of fun into discovering which room a guest will be staying in.

Just inside the front foyer is a comfortable, spacious guest lounge. A bookcase lines one of the walls, stacked with interesting literature and fun board games for guests. A television sits in the corner and there is a plethora of information about local activities and places to visit. Graeme and Diane care about their guests, by providing them with a wealth of knowledge about our region at their fingertips. Enjoy a stunning sunset from the upstairs covered balcony Off of the guest, kitchen are two balconies, one has a barbeque for guests to utilise and incredible views of the full moon as it rises above the leafy green trees.

The other balcony is covered, a well-loved wooden table offers guests the option of an alfresco dining experience.

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There is a view of the mountains and in the evening one can experience the most magical of sunsets. Back down the hallway are free lockers, should those in a shared dorm room wish to secure any of their belongings. Pristine guest bathrooms with welcoming hot showers for weary travellers, ensure the utmost comfort for guests.

Guests beds look comfortable and inviting, with plush duvets and fluffy pillows to enjoy at the end of a long day. Did you know the Hat Trick Lodge has the best value for money single private rooms on offer in Motueka? They also have a special budget room for those on a tight budget. If you are looking for accommodation for out of town guests, try the Hat Trick Lodge. A rustic wooden table complete with bench seats is placed under one of the large windows. Long stainless steel kitchen benchtops and a selection of free spices and fresh herbs tempt guests into making their own gourmet creations.

There are a variety of accommodation choices, depending on your needs.