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The Scots did their best to tame the beast but wildlife still prevails. Get a hip flask of whisky, a kilt and stride the coast with purpose.

New Zealand has first openly gay deputy PM, first woman as Foreign Affairs Minister

Meditative Milford - Get yourself in a zen state as this place is intense. Once the tour buses depart by 4pm, the locals are in their element including sandflies. Find yourself in a quiet space and do what you need to do to take it all in. A true blue, quirky mix of heartland and bogan, add a dash of the gay in Gore and gregarious local penguins on lonely beaches.

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There is a bunch of other standard legal stuff too. Phone Enquiry. There are toilet facilities available to the paying customers only. Does this location provide for filling or swapping LPG bottles? Can you contribute? If you've experienced Mobil Kuripuni Service Station then please and write a review. Rental Cars. Freedom Camping. All Camping Camping NZ.

Canyoning Canyoning is a mix of land and water travel, descending picturesque canyons on foot or rear end , ropes and swimming. Caving Don overalls and gumboots for a day underground, up and down ropes navigating the maze of tunnels - or go glowworm spotting and enjoy the serenity.

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Horse Trekking Galloping down an isolated beach on a trusty steed, sand flying, the salt air whipping in your hair Outside the Square Fun, crazy and unusual - these activities refuse to be put in a box. Walking and Trekking Walking and trekking the tracks throughout New Zealand is top of the to-do list for many travellers to New Zealand. Boat Cruises With over 15,km of coastline to enjoy, New Zealand is naturally quite fond of boats… Boat cruises are a great way to explore NZ's rivers, lakes, beaches and fjords, offering a different perspective on both our landscape and wildlife.

Diving Get deep - explore life beneath the surface with diving, scuba or snorkelling. Jet Boating The need for speed is alive and well! Visitor Information Centres Local visitor centres often work on a casual basis.

Basic Facility Camping Camping with just the bare essentials in some of the most beautiful locations across NZ. Freedom Camping Expect no facilities. Generally for self contained vehicles only. Check our notes for details. Rental Cars New Zealand travel is at its best with your own set of wheels. Shuttle Buses A shuttle bus offers short haul bus services that run multiple times a day, often to an activity or attraction. Northland The wairua spirit is strong in this one. Auckland Region There is no other city in NZ with such an array of close natural wonders.

Coromandel Go underground to find the gold, when you get out there, let it hang out there, use your tea towel as a loin cloth and drink herbal tea. Bay of Plenty The name says it all. Waikato The land of milk and honey. A mecca of dairy coupled with the sweetness of serenity.


Out East Gets up before anyone else. Rotorua Region Smell it before you see it. Rotorua is so hot right now! Ruapehu Slip on your shoes, it's walk-o-rama. Vivid colour like a Psychedelic cruise. Hawkes Bay Like a masquerade ball; full of pomp, ceremony, fine wine and food. The gannets are cool too. Taranaki The Naki is quite the surprise package. Manawatu - Wanganui Raw and real. Wairarapa Get off the main drag and the story of the ugly duckling will be realised.

Wellington Region Seriously cool that rules with political tools. Marlborough After slinking through the sounds and sipping on some Savs, keep the sounds down 'cos the spy base is in town. Nelson Region This region is like a hippy with flash shoes.

The Police Can't Stop The Scene - Masterton Hosting by T.O.S - 2018

West Coast A diamond in the rough. Canterbury Lots on offer here, straight roads make for easy driving but a zig zag approach is rewarded. Mount Cook - MacKenzie Like a great road trip movie, wind down the windows, put on your favourite tunes and prepare yourself for a sensory intake of freedom. Wanaka Region The outdoor fitness capital of NZ. Queenstown Region A beautiful place where the locals have devised any conceivable way to scare you silly. Coastal Otago An oddity that works.

Fiordland Meditative Milford - Get yourself in a zen state as this place is intense. Southland A true blue, quirky mix of heartland and bogan, add a dash of the gay in Gore and gregarious local penguins on lonely beaches.

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New Zealand's new LGBTQ MPs make Parliament most rainbow in world | 1 NEWS | TVNZ

This question asks the respondent to classify their ethnic group. It is subjective, and somewhat open to interpretation, particularly each person's understanding of the term "ethnicity". The Census uses a broad definition of an ethnic group as having:. Very detailed ethnicity information is collected in the Census. What is shown in profile. Due to this change, users should treat time series with caution. An apparent increase in a category may be simply due to data being available for the full population in Note that ethnicity is a multiple response topic, so the total of all categories will be greater than the total population.

The second table shows the total number of responses compared to the total population. Information on cultural affiliations, or ethnicity, is collected in the census question on ethnic group. This may cause issues with comparisons to past years. Country of birth refers to the country where the person was born, and uses the name of the country at the time of the Census. Country is the current, short or official name of a country, dependency, or other area of geopolitical interest.

The term "country" is defined to include: Independent nations recognised by the New Zealand Government. Please note that a few countries have been combined for comparison with earlier Census years and Changes include:. Due to the Census making more use of administrative data and past Census data, the non response rate is much lower in This may cause apparent increases in particular countries of birth which are due to a reduction in non-response making all categories appear larger rather than a real-world change in people born in that country.

For New Zealand overall, the non-response rate for Birthplace fell from 5.