On the 25th in the morning moderate wea ther, but cloudy.

Wind at N. About five all reefs out, topsails set, mizen-topsail single reefed. At six blowed hard; at seven double reefed fore and main-topsails, and close reefed mizen-topsails. Wind at W. Course S. At nine handed fore and main-topsails. At half past nine handed foresail and mainsail, and hove her to on her bare poles. Blowed extremely hard. Latitude at noon 41 deg. Split mizen and mizen-staysail. At two in the morning the gale ceased. The 26th moderate and hazy. Latitude at noon 42 deg. At two in the after noon set main-top-gallant-sail.

Little wind. The 27th stiff gale at N. At noon Cape Palliser bore west half north, distance about two leagues. At one was only two miles to the northward of the entrance of Cook's Streights, the opening to Charlotte Sound, the place to which they were bound. No sight of the Adventure. At seven in the evening handed topsails.

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Blowed hard. At eight wore ship off shore. At twelve wore ship. The 28th at four in the morning wore ship, and set close reefed topsails. Could just see Cape Palliser a great distance to the windward. At eight wore ship. Saw the Adventure lying to. La titude at noon 42 deg. Handed the topsails and mainsail, and hove her to under foresail and mizen staysail. Split the mizen. At three in the afternoon wore ship, and set close reefed fore and main-topsails. At four set main-top-mast-staysail.

At twelve at night wind at N.

Course N. The 29th shook out the second and third reefs of fore and main-topsails. Set mizen-topsail, single reefed middle-staysail and jibb. Saw several water spouts. At half past seven shook out one reef of fore-and-main-top-sails, and got top-gallant-yards up. At eight set fore-and-main-top-gallant-sails, and made for Cape Palliser. At two set main-top-gallant-stay-sail. Fine clear weather and smooth water. Adventure a great distance astern. At nine in the evening the wind shifted to the W. The 30th at five in the morning it blowed a hurricane from the N.

At eight Cape Cambell bore N.

The snowy mountains soon after came in sight, bearing W. At noon they were in lat. They were now driven as far to the southward of their destined port as they had before been labouring northward of it; and though they had been once within two miles of the Straits, they were now many leagues distant from it. The gale still con tinuing, they began to look for some harbour, to take shelter till the weather should prove more favourable; but they found the shore in general craggy, the land mountainous, and the hills already covered with snow. At three sounded about six miles from the land.

Found 35 fathom water. Course E. At eight blowed hard, and split the fore-top-mast-stay-sail. The 31st no sight of the Adventure, nor of the land.

Still blowing hard. At six in the morning wore ship to stand in for the land. At seven in the evening hard gales at N. At eleven came to sail. At half after four carried away the main-top-gallant-yard in the slings. At five set studding sails fore and aft, and got up another main top-gallant-yard.

At three in the afternoon Cape Cambell, the southerly point of land, as Cape Palliser is the northerly point, which two points form the entrance of Cook's Straits, bore S. At four the wind shifted to the N. At five little wind. At six a stiff breeze at N. Charlotte Sound was now not more than ten or eleven leagues dis tant.

On the 2d at five in the morning stood in to the Sound with a brisk gale at N.

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About noon stood close into land, and an chored in twelve fathom water, black sandy clay. While they lay here, several canoes came along side; some of the Indians appeared to be the same who came off from land on the 22d past, as has been already related.

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They brought dried fish with them, and five of them ventured on board, to whom the Captain made presents. Being very desirous of introducing a breed of hogs and poultry upon the island, among other things of less value the Captain gave them another sow and boar and some cocks and hens. He also gave them a parcel of yams, and shewed them the manner of plant ing them.

About three in the afternoon they weighed, and steered along shore through the Straits, and about eight in the evening an chored in the mouth of Charlotte Sound. On the 3d at five in the morning they weighed, and came to sail; and about eleven moored ship in a convenient birth to wood and water.